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Service Status Website

March 5, 2008 4:10 pm Published by

LetsHost have launched a new website which is designed to give customers details of any service affecting issues or planned maintnenance.

Transferring your Hosting from another provider to LetsHost

March 5, 2008 4:10 pm Published by

Moving your web hosting company can be an intimidating process. You may have decided to move from an existing hosted solution (eg. blogger,, etc…) to the freedom that self-hosting brings, or you may have outgrown your current hosting provider in terms of capacity, or if the levels of support and service are not what you expect.

LetsHost – Spam Titan Anti Spam Service

March 5, 2008 4:09 pm Published by

The massive growth in the use of E-Mail both in business and for personal use has provided the benefits of cheap and instantaneous global messaging to almost everyone. Email is readily available with a entry cost. Unfortunately, as a result of this high penetration of electronic mail in the business and home markets, e-Mail has now become one of the most frequently abused technologies with users regularly finding themselves bombarded with spam and viruses up to hundreds or even thousands of times a day.

LetsHost offers .ie domains at €19.99

March 5, 2008 4:07 pm Published by

LetsHost (, are very pleased to announce a further reduction in the cost of .ie Domain names. The most recent price drop brings the current LetsHost price of 24.99 down to the lowest ever price of 19.99.