IE Domain Registration Rules about to change

New IE Domain Rules – March 2018

The rules to register an IE domain are changing from mid-March, making it much easier to register.

What is changing?

The need to show a ‘claim to the name’ when registering a new .ie domain will be removed from March 2018.  This will make registration of .IE domains much faster and easier.

You will, however, still need to prove their real connection to Ireland, and their identity, when applying for a .IE domain.

Why are the rules changing?

  • We want to make it faster and easier for those with real Irish connections to get a dot ie.
  • We want to grow dot ie, especially with Irish Small Office/Home Office/Micro businesses.
  • We want to remove the ‘claim’ requirement, as applicants can’t prove future ‘claims’ (e.g. new start-up businesses who want a web presence before setting up a physical presence).
  • We want to remove restrictions on domains that reflect a person’s name, nickname, pen name.

We believe now is the right time to remove the claim, so that those with real Irish connections can get any available dot ie domain they want, without delay.


When will this change happen?

The need to show a ‘claim to a .ie domain name’ will be removed in March 2018.  If you wish to secure your Irish domain name before anyone else does, please place an order on the LetsHost website, or call us on 01 653 5032.